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Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Uncomplicated UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections) can have a detrimental impact on emotional wellbeing. Patients may feel ignored by their clinicians, who face a diverse set of challenges when managing uncomplicated UTIs, all of which are important to address when keeping the plan patient-centered. In this podcast, we will discuss patient-clinician communication barriers and the importance of patient[1]centered outcomes in managing uncomplicated UTIs.
- This presentation is sponsored by GSK. The speakers are GSK paid healthcare providers. The content is intended to support disease state education and is considered nonpromotional.
- The content and views expressed therein do not necessarily reflect the views, policies, or position of Pri-Med. This program is limited to Health Care Professionals (HCPs) only. GSK complies with all state and federal laws including transparent reporting and disclosure of payments and transfers of value to HCPs.
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